- Morning-After Pills to Be Given Out Free of Charge at British Pharmacies
- Pro-Life Groups Rally to Urge Republicans to Axe Funding for Abortion Industry Through Budget Reconciliation
- ‘Kafkaesque’ — UK Police Arrest Parents over Complaining About Their Daughter’s School in WhatsApp Group
- ‘Stop Subsidizing Abortion’: Planned Parenthood Facing Foes at White House, Congress, Supreme Court
- Parents File Complaint After Daughters Punished for Refusing to Share Locker Room With Male Student
- Bill Gates: AI Will Replace Human Doctors, Teachers and Most Other Professions
- Maine School District Defies Trump Admin. Ban on Transgender Athletes in Girl’s Sports
- Satanist Leader Arrested After Alleged Physical Altercation in Kansas State Capitol
- Lawmakers Across US Push for Ten Commandments in Public Schools: ‘Why Would We Not Mention God?’
- Exclusive — Tommy Valentine: Thousands of Christians Counter Satanist ‘Black Mass’ at the Kansas State Capitol