Monthly Archives: June 2024

4 posts

From a Bible Student in Kansas

A student in Kansas writes: I learned, actually convicted, that I need to spend more time memorizing Scripture. Living with obstacles is nothing new, I can’t use that as an excuse for not memorizing scripture. Thank you for this study! I needed it! The post From a Bible Student in Kansas appeared […]

Volume 37 Issue 3 (May/June/2024)

“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” Volume 37 Issue 3 (May/June/2024) Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The Latest News:  Bob presented the ministry at Fort Victory Baptist Church, Crowley Texas in June. Server migration is going (slowly). […]

Garrett Baptist Church in Garrett Texas

I met Pastor Jim Lang at a fellowship meeting. He said he was interested in getting a website up for Garrett Baptist Church in Garrett Texas, We had some discussion, and I registered the domain for Pastor Lang. I put some basic content up for the church, and over […]