A lot of winter weather moving in. My D.O.T. physical expires on 02/10. I was number three on the Dallas board with no assignments for today, so I decided to get my physical out of the way.. Between the time I checked the board and the time I was finishing the physical (I passed by the way) I was number one on the board and was being called in to cushion to Amarillo Texas. I explained I could not take the call, and the OSC booked me off. Board is depleted, only one fresh person on the board, who took that assignment. Three people get fresh around midnight. Don't know where all the drivers are!
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Made it back into Dallas Texas.
Back on board at midnight. Had to ask for another 12 hours to deal with family health issues.
Made it back to Dallas Texas. Should have off day tomorrow, start first run to Tulsa Oklahoma on Tuesday.
I received a request from a brother of a Pastor that we are currently hosting a website for, Pastor Paul Pullen of East Pearl Baptist Church in Poplarville Mississippi. We talked for a while, and after determining his requirements, I registered a domain (http://eastpearl.org) for him.We spent an hour or so going over the features of Wordpress and the plugins, and created a rudimentary website for him. He will work on it as time permits.