Was not able to post from my cell phone. Oklahoma City cushion cancelled, assigned double to Abilene Texas. Abilene Texas double cancelled. Assigned deadead to Cisco Texas to rescue bus bound for Abilene. Got to Cisco, assigned to deadhead bad bus back to Dallas. "Vendor said it was okay to deadhead. Bus was 109 degrees inside when I fired it up. Got hotter. Driver said the air seemed to have quit when they got into Cisco. Shut bus down, looked into engine compartmenr, belt was broken, wrapped around pulley. Deadhead cancelled, cushioned to Abilene. Thunderstorm activity, here, gone to hotel to get fresh. No rooms. Had to wait 45 minutes for a room, got the last room.
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Made it into Laredo Texas. Gone to hotel to get fresh.
Just found out they aren’t sending me to Dallas Texas, they want me to pull open run to Jackson Mississippi, then turn […]
Called in to take open run to Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
Made it into Houston Texas. Getting ready to pull return run back to Dallas Texas.