Heading down to garage to start hold down, pulling back roads, local, to Houston Texas.
Bob Hoffman
Start hold down tomorrow (2 weeks) – removed from the extraboard in Dallas Texas.
Made it back into Dallas Texas.
Down at terminal waiting for my ride to Dallas to come in.
Made it into Shreveport Louisiana, cushioning back to Dallas in about 4 hours.
Dispatch called me before I called them… previous new dispatch had me attached to a charter that another driver was on. Straightened that out, called in to deadhead a bus to Shreveport Louisiana.
Checked board again, now I am off the board. Calling into Dispatch to find out what they’re doing.
Scheduled for a call already. Called in to find out what was going on, in a planned status to pull a three o’clock run to Laredo Texas. New dispatchers are doing some strange things. Have to see if this is actually what I will be doing!
Made it back to Dallas Texas.
Called in to take a one way open run back to Dallas Texas.After unsuccessfully trying to contact local Dallas management yesterday dispatch let me know I was awarded a hold down starting Monday, backroads from Dallas Texas to Houston Texas.