Things changed, pulling one way open run to Jackson Mississippi.
Bob Hoffman
Called in to cushion to Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
A/C fan is burnt out. Can’t order a new one until Monday. Have to figure out how to get fresh.
Made it back into Dallas Texas. Went home and the A/C has quit, going to be a hard time getting fresh if I don't get it fixed. Repair supposed to come between 12 and 4 pm. Love that service contract! Other company would try and get out by Tuesday!
Heading down to terminal to pull double back to Dallas Texas.
Was already in a planned status, called in to dispatch, have a 3:30 AM report time to pull double back to Dallas Texas.
Made it into Abilene Texas, gone to hotel to get fresh.
Called in to take a one way open run to Abilene Texas.
Booked back on the extra board in Dallas Texas.
Doctor said my problem was not serious, cleared to go back to work tomorrow. Doctor also said I need to research the disease spread by the "kissing bug" which is what I was apparently eaten by in the company hotel weeks ago. It appears the side effects can be severe.