Made it into Abilene Texas, notified to pull one way open run to Dallas in the morning. Gone to hotel to get fresh.
Bob Hoffman
Taking double to Abilene Texas.
Called in to take double to Abilene Texas or Amarillo Texas.
Booked back on the extra board in Dallas Texas.
Saw doctor, getting eye drops and antibiotic for eye. Come back in five days.
Waiting at company doctor for follow-up visit. Right eyelid still a little swollen, eye is watery. Waiting to see what they say.
Made it back to Dallas Texas, taking tomorrow off (allergy shot) and have a followup company doctor's appointment on Thursday.
Graduates all loaded, heading to Dallas Texas.
Made it into Huntsville Texas, waiting on graduates to be released.
Caled in to deadhead bus to Huntsville Texas, to bring graduates from the Texas Penal system back to Dallas Texas.