Called in to take a double to Abilene Texas.
Bob Hoffman
2095 posts
Back in Dallas Texas. LONG DAY!!! Inbound schedule was three hours late!
This is the new desk clerk at our hotel in Abilene, just informed inbound schedule 4 hours late, won’t be in for another 2 hours.
Waiting on inbound double to come in to pull run back to Dallas Texas.
Made it back into Abilene Texas, full bus. Assigned to double back to Dallas Texas. tonight.
Called in to take one way open run to Abilene Texas.
Back in Dallas Texas.
Heading over to the terminal in Abilene Texas to pull one way open run back to Dallas Texas.
Made it into Abilene Texas. Assigned return run back to Dallas Texas on my fresh time. Gone to hotel.
Called in to take one way open run to Abilene Texas.