Back on the board in Dallas Texas.
Bob Hoffman
Back in Dallas Texas. Taking an earned day off tomorrow (getting allergy shot and followup doctor appointment).
Heading over to terminal to pull return run to Dallas Texas.
Made it into Oklahoma City Oklahoma, gone to hotel for four hour layover, then pull run back to Dallas Texas.
Called in to take open run to Oklahoma City Oklahoma.
made it back into Dallas Texas, over 4 hours late. Thunderstorms, flooding, tornadoes all around. Rough day!
Waiting on inbound schedule from Dallas Texas, will take that bus back to Dallas 3+ hours late.
At the terminal in Tulsa Oklahoma. All my gauges are reading zero with bus running. Waiting on dispatch/maintenance to call me back. Will try starting it again in about an hour. Worst case, wait for bus from Dallas to get in at 1 p.m. and take that bus.
Getting ready to head down to the Tulsa garage to pull return run back to Dallas Texas.
Made it into Tulsa Oklahoma, three hours late. Gone to hotel to get fresh. Lots of flooding all the way from Dallas to Tulsa!