Made it into Laredo Texas. Gone to hotel to get fresh.
Bob Hoffman
2095 posts
Heading down to Dallas garage to pull run to Laredo Texas.
From a 24 year old in GA…
Back in Dallas Texas. Have two off days.
Geading down to terminal to pull run to Laredo Texas.
Attached to pull my next run to Laredo Texas tomorrow afternoon. Feeling a lot better. Thanks for all the prayer!
Went to the doctor yesterday, was diagnosed with sinus infection. Started antibiotics. Not feeling well enough to pull my run tonight. Booked off sick.
Back in Dallas Texas. Have two days off (run is a 4 and 2). Sinuses have me sick as a dog!
Getting ready to head down to terminal to pull return run to Dallas Texas.
For some reason this did not post this morning. Made it into Laredo Texas, went to hotel to get fresh.