Heading down to the terminal in Dallas to pull run back down to Laredo Texas.
Bob Hoffman
Made it back into Dallas Texas. I 35 was shut down in Belton, arrived 90 minutes late. Sinuses are killing me – have all but lost my voice.
Getting ready to head down to the terminal to pull return run back to Dallas Texas.
Starting holddown tonight. Heading down to terminal a little early to get print out of the run guide. Pulling first run to Laredo on the hold down.
Booked back on the extraboard. You can imagine my suprise when they told me I was on a hold down that started Monday. No one called me and told me. I have two days off and pull a night run to Laredo on Sunday night.
Had some major stomach problems all day today. Made it back to Dallas Texas, went to my doctor, he thinks I got food poisoning in Laredo. Booked off sick – cleared to return to work on Friday.
Getting ready to head down to terminal to pull one way open run to Dallas Texas.
Went down to the terminal, run was not going to double. Got a cushion back to Dallas Texas. Dispatch called me back and asked me to go back to the hotel and pull a one way open run back to Dallas Texas early in the morning. Gone back to hotel […]
Have a report time in four hours to protect a double to San Antonio which probably will not go.
Called in to take one way open run to San Antonio Texas.