Made it into Laredo Texas. Gone to hotel to get fresh. Had road failure in Dallas on the way to the Westmoreland station. Brought bus back to Dallas terminal, swapped out buses.
Bob Hoffman
2095 posts
Called in to take open run to Laredo Texas.
Have a followup opthamologist appointment tomorrow, booked off sick.
Made it back top Dallas Texas.
Called in to take open run to Abilene Texas.
Made it back into Dallas Texas.
Made it into Laredo Texas. Gone to hotel to get fresh.
Called in to take open run to Laredo Texas.
Booked back on the extraboard in Dallas Texas.
Only had 8 hours last night from the time I signed into San Antonio Texas, until the time I reported to work this morning. Sinuses are bothering me – need to rest up, booked off sick.