Two days left until I officially leave Greyhound. Took training last Tuesday, supervisor never booked me back on after training so I have been "lost in space (Greyhound black hole)" since Tuesday, never called in to get put back on the board… enjoying my time off! Looking forward to Wednesday!
Bob Hoffman
Training over….
Severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings this morning, but heading down to garage for my "mandatory" stay sharp training. 8 days left.
Made it back to Dallas Texas. Already in a planned status. These geniuses, in their infinite wisdom left me a voicemail lett me know that I, with only eight days before I terminate my employment, must attend MANDATORY "Stay Sharp" training tomorrow. Would hate to lose my edge in the […]
Made it into Houston Texas. Pull run back to Dallas Texas in 1 1/2 hrs.
Called in to take open run to Houston Texas.
Dispatch called and woke me up at 2:25 am. I did not answer, apparently they called the wrong number. Called and woke me up at 4:15 to take a one way open run to San Antonio Texas. When I asked why the Brownsville driver wasn’t taking it he hemmed and […]
Dispatch called me to take one way open run to Houston Texas via Austin Texas. Did not answer the phone, missed out.
Booked back on the extra board in Dallas Texas.
Took last of the steroid today… still having some dizziness.Looking to go back to work next weekend I guess.