“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.”
Volume 36 Issue 3 (May/June/2003)
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Latest News:
- Another of our hosting providers is hitting us with a price increase. Have to finish migration off that website by June 15.
Church Website Ministry:
- I noticed the website of one of our longtime supporting churches (Grace Baptist Church in Portland, Texas) was down. Maureen and I went down there and
presented the ministry back in 2018. We contacted the church to inquire about the website and to express our gratitude for their past support. We also provided an update on the progress of our ministry since our visit in 2018.The gentleman who was maintaining the website has serious health problems, and the paid hosting was a financial burden on him, so he let the hosting service go down. We talked, and the service he was on owned the domains, so we decided to register a new domain to bring a website back up at https://gracebaptistportlandtx.com. I was able to get most of the content from some archived copies of the website. After registering the new domain, I quickly migrated the content and made some updates to the website on WordPress. I also ensured that the hosting service was reliable and had a good uptime record to prevent any future downtime.
I have been Facebook friends with evangelist/pastor Bruce Haller for several years now. Brother Haller posted on Facebook that he (in his 70’s!) was going to be planting a church in his home town of Sandersville Georgia. He has had 49 years of Salvation, Scripture study, and Spiritual ministry, as an Independent Fundamental Baptist KJBO Scripture preacher/teacher/counselor. I sent off a message to Brother Bruce asking if he was interested in getting a website going for the new church plant, H.O.P.E. Baptist Church. “The H.O.P.E. Baptist Church is focused on Helping Other People Experience JESUS through a Personal faith relationship, Prayer, Phone or Personal Scripture Counsel, and Contextual Interpretation and Application of Scripture Preaching/Teaching in reinforcing and restoring others by the power of God, through the Spirit, by faith, for the glory of God…” The ministry is under the banner of Grace Baptist Church, Ocean Springs, MS. He responded that he was indeed interested, and we were able to touch base and talk about getting a website going. Pastor Haller decided on the domain name hopeforsandersville.com. I registered the domain and installed WordPress for brother Haller. He provided some information to put up on the website, and we have it up and running. We will be updating the website as we go along.
Bible Correspondence Courses: We want to thank Joyce Hall, Oleta Ferrell, Lorraine Meier, JL & Florence Smith for helping with the Bible Correspondence courses over the last quarter.
Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
- So far this quarter we have had 3 prisoners complete all 222 lessons that we offer.
- A prisoner in AR writes about the study of John, “WOW-EEEE this here was a serious study! I love it. I love you guys. I love Jesus. I do pray daily for you, your loved ones and the ministry. All praise and glory to God”
- A prisoner in LA writes: Thank you for the opportunity to study with your ministry. Thank you for the addresses for additional studies. I will keep you in prayer.
- A prisoner in NE writes: Hi Mrs. Hoffman, thank you for my lessons. Proverbs 3:5&6 The chaplain in county jail wrote this in my Bible for doing all of my lessons. It was part of doing so many Bible lessons and to complete them all. Thank you again. May God continue to bless you every day and keep you safe. God bless.
- A student in LA writes: Just to let you know I am enjoying these lessons VERY much! Thank you for such a blessing with each lesson.
Tract Ministry:
- We have had over 165,000 Bible Tracts read online (that we have tracked).
- Through our ad campaigns we are offering over 1 million tracts to unique individuals per month in 7 languages worldwide..
- Our ads have reached over 19 million people since we started advertising in February 2020.
Social Networking Outreach:
- Facebook – 2.8 K Friends (Facebook no longer showing exact numbers)
- Mewe – 8.4K Friends (Max friends Mewe shows. Way above this number)
- USA.life – 6911 Friends
Support: We are currently at 70% of support for our ministry expenses.
Prayer Needs:
- Bob’s prostate cancer numbers are steady. Please pray cancer is not returning.
- Pray that our server migration continues to go well, without disruption.
- Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior’s mailing list.: http://eepurl.com/SYbI9.
Specific Financial Needs:
- Foundation repair on our home $4530 outstanding.
- Hosting Costs $1262 (reduced due to migration!)
- Bible Tract ads (We reach 1 Million people for $150/mo).
- Internet Costs $600
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via PayPal (Donate button is on https://cyber-missions.org) or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
(214) 257-0229
In Jesus’ Service,
Bob and Maureen
Phil 1:3
The post Bob and Maureen Hoffman May/June 2023 Newsletter appeared first on Missionaries to Cyberspace.
Source: Cyber-Missions Blog
“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” Volume 36 Issue 3 (May/June/2003) Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The Latest News: Another of our hosting providers is hitting us with a price increase. Have to finish migration off…