“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.”
Volume 34 Issue 5 September/October/2022)
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
The Latest News:
Maureen and I had a great time participating in the “Great Commission” Missions campmeeting at New Beginning Baptist Church on September 11-14 2022 in Edgewood Texas. We have been hosting their website (nbbcedgewood.com) since 2009! Pastor Bryan Easley invited us to set up our display and participate in this year’s conference. There was great preaching there, and we met two missionaries that said they were going to call us and get a website set up. I also had time to sit down with Mrs. Staci Easley and show her how to navigate and update their website (the member that was doing this for them left several years ago).
Church Website Ministry:
- At this year’s East Texas Baptist Campmeeting, I met Pastor Eddie Hibdon. He came up and introduced himself, and said he had just taken Shady Grove Baptist Church in Emory Texas and would like to have a website set up. He called me after the campmeeting, and we talked. He provided me with some content, and we registered a domain (Shady Grove Baptist Church in Emory Texas). I built Pastor Hibdon a WordPress website. He asked if I could update it for him, and I agreed. Pastor Hibdon invited us to present the ministry on Sunday August 14, 2022 at Shady Grove Baptist Church in the evening service. We accepted and were blessed by the Pastor and the church!
- Are you a democrat? Do you know any democrats? We put up a web page for one of our friends, Jim Cahill at https://ruadem.com. Many people have voted democrat all their lives. Take this test to see where you stand on the issues. The results may surprise you! Share with your democrat friends.
Bible Correspondence Courses: We want to thank Joyce Hall, Oleta Ferrell, Lydia Henrici, Lorraine Meier, JL & Florence Smith for helping with the Bible Correspondence courses over the last quarter.
Please pray for Lydia Henrici as she has had a stroke.
- 3rd Quarter Stats: Lessons 755, Certificates: 40, Students: 96 of which 16 are prisoners. Lessons were mailed to: Canada, Ghana, India, South Africa and USA.
Here are some comments we received from people that are taking the correspondence courses:
- A student in TN wrote that the course on Galatians “was a great study course! Thank you so much for your ministry. I continue to raise you all up to the Lord in prayer.”
Tract Ministry: We have “given out” over 157,000 Bible Tracts online. We are offering over 1 million tracts in 7 languages a month to individuals around the world.
Social Networking Outreach:
- Facebook – 3.1K Friends (Facebook no longer showing exact numbers)
- Mewe – 8.4K Friends (Max friends Mewe shows. Way above this number)
- Spreely – 2599 Friends
- USA.life – 6864 Friends
Support: We are currently at 70% of support for our ministry expenses.
Prayer Needs:
- Would you consider praying for us when special needs arise? If so, please subscribe to our prayer warrior’s mailing list.: http://eepurl.com/SYbI9.
- Bob has been asked to fill in at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church while the Pastor there undergoes radiation therapy for cancer. Please pray for Pastor P.D. Taylor, and pray for Bob to have the words to speak, and time to prepare messages.
Specific Financial Needs:
- We have foundation issues. We have been quoted $7880 to install 14 piers. The back of the addition is 1 1/2″ lower than the rest of the house. We will have some repair costs on the house coming up after the foundation is repaired.. Please pray about this with us!
- We are currently hosting over 135 ministries. Our annual server costs are $1535.40
Please consider a donation. FamilyNet is a 501 (C)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible in the US – You can donate via PayPal (Donate button is on https://cyber-missions.com) or mail a check:
FamilyNet International Inc
P.O. Box 451951
Garland, TX 75045
(214) 257-0229
The post Bob And Maureen Hoffman September/October 2022 Newsletter appeared first on Missionaries to Cyberspace.
Source: Cyber-Missions Blog
“When you go on the internet, please pray for the Hoffman Family – your missionaries to Cyberspace.” Volume 34 Issue 5 September/October/2022) Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The Latest News: Maureen and I had a great time participating in the “Great Commission” Missions campmeeting at New Beginning…