Called in to take open run to Houston Texas, or Laredo Texas.
Extraboard Work Assignments
Made it back to Dallas Texas, miserable trip… aggressive 4 wheelers, a/c problems, one inoperative wiper (luckily it was passenger side) rain from Texarkana all the way back to Dallas Texas.
On way back to Dallas Texas, in Texarkana Arkansas. Have small maintenance issues, but on time.
Made it into Memphis Tennessee, going to hotel to get fresh. Rain stayed ahead of me the whole way. Good ride, full bus.
Called in to take open run to Memphis Tennessee.
Shortage of drivers in Dallas. Booked back on extra board in Dallas.
Was in a planned status to cushion to Abilene, take a double to El Paso. Set up a doctor’s appointment and booked off sick.
Made it back to Dallas Texas.
Heading down to garage to pull return run back to Dallas Texas. Inbound schedule was cancelled out of Denver Colorado. Starting up schedule here.
Heading down to garage to pull return run back to Dallas Texas. Inbound schedule was cancelled out of Denver Colorado.