Taking one way open run to Laredo Texas.
Dispatch database came back online about an hour and a half ago. Got called, they wanted to know if I was on the board, if I was in Dallas Texas. Called in to "take the first available run" when I get down to the garage. No idea where I will […]
The automated dispatch system has been down most of the day. At last check I would be going out sometime after midnight (check was early this morning). I called dispatch to try and find out where I stood, and was told that the shift had just changed and that dispatch […]
I will be hitting the extraboard in Dallas Texas again at midnight tonight.
Back in Dallas Texas. One week vacation starts at midnight. B-)
Called in to take one way open run from Laredo Texas to Dallas Texas.
Made it into Laredo Texas. Going to hotel to get fresh.
Called in (on my nine hour fresh time again) to take a one way open run to Laredo Texas. Report time is one hour after run was due to leave Dallas Texas due to ongoing driver shortage.
Back in Dallas Texas.
Made it into Shreveport Louisiana, cushioning back to Dallas Texas.