Called in to take a one way open run to Laredo Texas.
Back in Dallas Texas.
Tulsa Oklahoma is foggy, 27 degrees and overcast. Getting ready to go to garage to pull return run back to Dallas Texas.
Made it to Tulsa Oklahoma. Run was two hours late leaving Dallas due to manpower shortage. Gone to hotel, pull return run back tomorrow morning.
Called in to take an open run to Tulsa Oklahoma. Going to try the trip downtown again.
Tried to get to the garage in Dallas Texas. Too much ice, looks like snow may have melted and is refreezing. Too dangerous to drive in. Dispatch booked me off.
Called in to take an open run to Wichita Kansas.
Back in Dallas Texas. 80 minutes late. Apparently there is a lot of ice just outside of Van Horn Texas.
Inbound bus is over an hour late. Have not heard where bus is or how late the bus is.
Called in to take one way open run back to Dallas Texas.