Made it into San Antonio Texas. Have a two and a half hour layover till my schedule the departs for Dallas. Getting some lunch.
Called in to take a one way open run from Laredo Texas to Dalls Texas. Due to get into Dallas around 2300 tonight.
Made it to Laredo Texas, going to the hotel to get fresh.
Made it into San Antonio Texas. Just informed I’m going to Laredo Texas.
Called in to take one way open run from Dallas Texas to San Antonio Texas.
made it back to Dallas Texas. Already number five on the board with six assignments for today. May be a real short night B-(
Made it into Huntsville Texas. Looks like I’m on the north end of the storm that pounded Houston last night.
Called in to take a deadhead to Huntsville Texas, bring group of graduates from Texas Prison System back to Dallas Texas.
Back on the board in Dallas Texas this morning.
Taking an earned day off.