Getting ready to leave Houston NASA Space Center, had plenty of company show up via Valley Transit.
Four hour stop here at NASA Houston Space Center.
At the hotel ready to load passengers and head on up the road, for another day of fun and excitement at the Big Dog.
Made it to League City Texas. In hotel. Long day today.
Took the group out to dinner at the boardwalk in Kemah Texas. Heading back to the hotel in two and a half hours.
First stop. University in Houston. One of the reasons I don’t like charters, is having to drive up and down very narrow streets, and making tight turns with traffic.
Stopped in Centerville Texas at Woody’s Smokehouse for lunch.
On location in Plano Texas waiting for pickup.
Called in to do a 2 day, Multi-day charter in the morning. looks like I will be taking a Plano Texas educational group to Houston Texas.
Back in Dallas Texas. Had to got to terminal and fill out an incident report. Now home.