Received first set of injections
Get to spend a full day at the Allergist today, getting Allergy shots.
Checked board. Found myself in notified status. Could not reach a supervisor. Called dispatch. They thought I had training today. I explained that was last Monday. Told him I should be on vacation today. Dispatcher said he would get the vacation in there.
Coming off of sick leave, starting vacation at midnight.
Finished with training, am on sick time (as opposed to light duty). Start vacation on Monday. Going to try and enjoy my time off!
Heading to the garage for eight hours of training on Winter Weather driving.
It was unexpected, but eye doctor did some minor laser on my other eye (did first one a couple of weeks ago). On light duty for a week. Have some training tomorrow, but will have vacation next week, so will have almost two weeks off.
At followup appointment with the eye doctor.
It's confirmed. I'm alergic to everything (except cats)! Start allergy shots next week.
At doctor’s office undergoing allergy testing.