Made it into Denver Colorado. Gone to hotel to get fresh. Really bad day. Thunderstorms a large part of the way. Had a passenger demanding to know when we were going to stop in the middle of storm with low visibilty and strong crosswinds. Route guides were wrong in Dumas […]
Waiting at the Amtrak station for the arrival of Amtrak. Then heading up to Denver Colorado.
Three hours late and having a maintenance issue. Heading on up the road, see if issue is resolved.
Called in to take open run to to Raton then Denver Colorado.
Made it to Amarillo Texas 90 minutes late due to A/C problem. Can’t get dispatch on the phone. Going to hotel.
Waiting on a bus, due out in 10 minutes, no buses cleaned and serviced.
Called in to take a double to Amarillo Texas.
Booked back on the extraboard in Dallas Texas.
The heat and lack of sleep is getting to me. Just booked off sick.
Back in Dallas Texas. Very miserable ride. Bus had numerous issues besides the bad air conditioning. Humidity was very high , even though the temperature was only 85 degrees, bus was very uncomfortable.