Traffic is at a dead stop on Interstate 35 16 miles north of Laredo Texas.
Heading to terminal pull return run to San Antonio Texas.
Made it to Laredo Texas, going to the hotel to get fresh. Take return run back to San Antonio and Dallas tomorrow.
Just found out that I go all the way to Laredo on this run. Bus has air conditioning problems, going to see if mechanic can fix it or if we will set in a new bus.
Change of plans, now taking open run to San Antonio Texas. Houston run was taken by a lease bus.
I’m a garage, been on hold trying to get through to dispatch for the last 40 minutes they’re not answering the phone, I have no idea what’s going on. Can’t get an assignment.
Called in to cushion to Houston Texas.
Back in Dallas Texas heading home.
On my way back to Dallas Texas on return run.
Called in to take open run to Houston Texas. Have insect bites all over me from hotel in Oklahoma City yesterday.