Back in Dallas Texas. Requested (and received) an extra three hours of fresh time.
Nothing happening here, called into dispatch, cushioning back to Dallas Texas.
Made it into Tulsa Oklahoma, 5 hours late. Gone to hotel to get fresh.
Called in to take one way open run to Tulsa Oklahoma.
Called in to deadhead same bus as yesterday back to Dallas Texas. Questioned dispatch about the location of the bus. Bus is still in Denver Colorado. Going back to sleep.
Made it into Amarillo Texas. Dispatch seems sorely lacking in competence. The Dallas board is depleted, but they cushioned two of us to Amarillo, one to bring a deadhead back to Dallas, one to get fresh. The first driver never made to the Amarillo bus, so I was to pull […]
Called in to cushion to Amarillo Texas.
Back on the board in Dallas Texas.
Finally made it home.
Made it to Dallas Texas. Something seized up in my engine, shredded my belt. Waiting for a tow truck. What a day.