Made it into Denver Colorado. Gone to hotel to get fresh. Really bad day. Thunderstorms a large part of the way. Had a passenger demanding to know when we were going to stop in the middle of storm with low visibilty and strong crosswinds. Route guides were wrong in Dumas TX and Pueblo Colorado. Lost all my electric gauges (speedometer, water temp, oil pressure, fuel and battery). Received assurance from Maintenance response that it was only a relay, there was no short or danger of electrical fire. Got in too late to pull return run back in morning. What a day…. I just figured out my hours. Only have 7 hours to work today.
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Called in to take open run to Jackson Mississippi. Have future book off at midnight for doctor tomorrow..
Called in to cushion to Abilene Texas, take one way open run to El Paso Texas.
Called in to cushion to Houston Texas.
Made it into San Antonio Texas. Cushioning back to Dallas Texas.