After I set up the website for Washington D.C. Church Planter James Downs (, Pastor Downs wanted to set up a website for his church plant Open Door Baptist Church in Silver Spring Maryland.
I registered the domain name for their website and installed WordPress for him. Brother James provided a Statement of Faith and some information on the church, and the website was going.
They are currently meeting at a hotel in Silver Spring Maryland.
When Brother James gets some time I will sit down with him and give him a tutorial on WordPress so he can update the websites on his own.
The post Open Door Baptist Church in Silver Spring Maryland. appeared first on Missionaries to Cyberspace.
Source: Cyber-Missions Blog
After I set up the website for Washington D.C. Church Planter James Downs (, Pastor Downs wanted to set up a website for his church plant Open Door Baptist Church in Silver Spring Maryland. I registered the domain name for their website and installed WordPress for him. Brother James…