Heading out this morning. Have early morning appointment to get injected for radioactive dye. Have to wait three hours for dye to settle into the bones. While I am waiting I will have a CT Scan of abdomen an Pelvis with contrast. Then after three hour waiting period is up, […]
Bob Hoffman
The next step in this process, before any plan of treatment can be worked out is to determine if the cancer has spread beyond the prostate. I am scheduled for a full body bone scan next week to see if there any sign of cancer in […]
Got the old truck inspected. Good news. Truck is so old next year they tell me will no longer need an emissions check. Spent 2 1/2 hours renewing drivers license.
I added some Transportation news feeds today. Sadly, not much deals with motor coach. Of course NTSB had news feeds but they were unreadable…
Maureen and I went to a model railroad layout in Garland Texas at the Public Library yesterday. The exhibit was put on by the Spring Creek Model Railroad Club. They were in the process of getting everything setup, but it was a very nice layout. They had some […]
I have been getting back into shape after the nasty bout I had with a near fatal infection in January! I had a workout this morning (back up to level 5 on the Lifecycle), free weights and sit-ups. I decided to get really adventurous and try and start the […]
Dispatch did call me in. Told him I resigned two weeks ago, off board permanently I hope.
Greyhound in their infinite wisdom has me back on the board two weeks after I have resigned. This could be some fun?
Officially out of Greyhound. I am no longer going to be updating the Greyhound part of this website, and I will not be posting any more on the Bob and Lorenzo Facebook page. Have to figure out how I am going to be handling the ministry posts going forward in […]
Last day at Greyhound is tomorrow, going to terminal in Dallas Texas now to turn in my Greyhound property.