
122 posts

Now that my life at Greyhound is over – I will be posting some infrequent personal stuff here for those few of you that have followed me into civilian life.

Glenwood Baptist Church Jacksonville Florida

I worked on rebuilding the website for Pastor Mike O’Neal of Glenwood Baptist Church in Jacksonville Florida (The Bible-Believing Fundamentalist). Brother Mike was having to update his websites using old software on very old computers using very old versions of Windows operating systems. The old computers kept failing and he […]

The Bible-Believing Fundamentalist

Pastor Mike O’Neal of Glenwood Baptist Church in Jacksonville Florida contacted me. Pastor O’Neal has a website called The Bible-Believing Fundamentalist that was on another hosting service that was going commercial, and had stopped functioning. Brother Mike wanted to know if I could help him host and restore the website. I […]

Joseph Childers (Missionary to Grenada) Part 2

I had worked with Joseph Childers, missionary to Grenada, to get their website ( converted over to WordPress, and onto our hosting service. After we completed that website, Brother Joseph wanted to put up a website for their church, Lifeline Baptist Church in Grenada, including information on their Christian school Lifeline Baptist […]

A Pastor’s Comment

I want to take a moment and say that I am very grateful for the technology that is available to us today. As the Pastor of a small Church, Wilson Ave Baptist in Aurora, MO, we are limited in what we are able to do. But, through the assistance of […]

From a Church in Ilinois

From an Independent Baptist Church in Illinois: Enclosed is a check to help your ministry expenses. Thanks for your continued service to churches and ministries through your website and server help. Have a Merry Christmas! Your friend, Pastor… (We have been hosting them since 2009) The post From a Church […]