Prostate Cancer

82 posts

Post Surgery Day 184

I had a followup blood draw for my check up next week. Everything is progressing fairly well. The problem with incontinence is still there, but a relatively minor irritant. Lord willing it will continue to improve. I have my followup appointment to get the results of the blood test next […]

Post Surgery Day 109

     The problem I’ve been having with incontinence has improved 1000%! While it is still a problem, it is much better now. I am now able to spend  time out, and at functions.  Next follow up with Urologist is in October. Again, not going really wanting to go into […]

Post Surgery Day 93

     Had follow up with Urologist today. Result of blood work, PSA is zero. This is fantastic, it means the cancer is indeed gone.      We briefly discussed the incontinence problem. It is getting better. He asked how it is doing at night. At night I am doing […]

Post Surgery Day 85

Figure it is time to provide an update.  Going in tomorrow for a blood draw – follow up PSA test. Have the results next week. Had to skip two camp meetings last week due to this problem with incontinence. My wife and I did visit another church Sunday. That did […]

Post Surgery Day 57

I had a followup appointment with my GP today to bring him up to date on the surgery. He had nothing to add about the prostate surgery. Incontinence was not as bad as I first thought (make no mistake it is bad). The muscles seem to be working, not too […]

Post Surgery Day 52

Now that the catheter is out, life is much better. Had a good night’s sleep in my own bed last night. The cats (and the wife) were as happy as I was. But it was not all fun and games. Along comes the next challenge. Incontinence. This is the new […]

Post Surgery Day 51

Have Cystogram number four scheduled today at 11:00 AM. Praying that the tears in the bladder are healed. The cystogram showed no leakage. Praise the Lord! Have follow up with doctor at 2:00 PM At doctor’s office. The catheter has been removed. Praise the Lord! The catheter is uncomfortable at […]

Post Surgery Day 44

I had a follow up visit with the surgeon today, just a “see how your doing visit.” The urologist decided he wanted to change out the catheter today to minimize infection risks. The procedure was uncomfortable but not painful. We are scheduling yet another cystogram and followup visit for next […]

Post Surgery Day 36

I was released from the hospital today. White blood count normal. Temp was down to normal. Have 10 days of antibiotics set up in pills. Cystogram is still on for tomorrow, with followup with doctor. If bladder is healed catheter will finally be coming out. Psalm 13:5-6

Post Surgery Day 35

Saw my doctor today. White blood count is down. Identified antibiotics I need. Temperature is down to normal. Unless something changes tonight, I should go home tomorrow. Cystogram is still on schedule for Wednesday with follow up appointment with doctor. Lord willing the catheter will come out on Wednesday. Haven’t […]