Prostate Cancer

82 posts

Discharge from hospital

The doctor was in here to see me in the morning. Looks like I’ll be going home from the hospital after lunch if everything goes okay. Have to try walking around. I also have to hold down some solid food, so far have been on a liquid diet. Not in […]

Heading Down to the Hospital

Everything is a go – heading down to the hospital to have the prostate removed. Have people all over the world in prayer. Such a blessing. Received a note from a missionary in Australia during the night, saying he would be praying this morning.  Along with all the other notes […]

Surgery has been Scheduled

     The week before last we scheduled the surgery to have the prostate removed for April 20, 2019. This was contingent on having a clean bill of health from my cardiologist.       I work out 7 days a week, so the note from my heart doctor should not […]

Scheduling Surgery

     I had good meetings with the radiologist and the surgeon on Wednesday.  I was given a lot of information.      The logical choice is to do the surgery. There is a minimal chance of permanent side effects from the surgery after a 1-6 month healing period.  I […]

Decision Time

     I have been talking with men that had prostate cancer. They have offered advice, shared their experiences and shed a lot of light on the process. They have also put into context the information I have picked up from my doctor.      Tomorrow morning I have a […]

Scan Results Negative

     I met with my urologist yesterday and received the scan results from my full body bone scan and the abdomen and pelvis scan.      The first scan was to determine whether the prostate cancer had spread to my bones. The results were negative.       The second […]

Scan Day

Heading out this morning. Have early morning appointment to get injected for radioactive dye. Have to wait three hours for dye to settle into the bones. While I am waiting I will have a CT Scan of abdomen an Pelvis with contrast. Then after three hour waiting period is up, […]