Have had cloudy content and sediment in catheter. Doctor has started me on 7 days of antibiotics.
I had a rough night last night. Took a pain pill, having discomfort with catheter. Pain pill was not helping. Woke up after midnight, had a couple of bladder spasms. Asked for some prayer on Facebook. Felt the peace of God come over me almost immediately. Phil 4:7 Also having […]
I’ve had another good day. The cot seems like it might work. Did a good days work on the computer. I am not going to continue to update this every day now – it is getting redundant. I will update when something of note happens. If it wasn’t for the […]
Good day today. Got a full days work done on computer. Decided I couldn’t sleep on couch any more. Back and neck hurt too much. Really can’t try regular bed yet with catheter. Still can’t sleep on side yet. Can’t sleep flat on back with allergies and sinuses. Trying a […]
Had a pretty good day today. Was able to get a lot of work done on computers, although there were problems with some hosting providers that ate up a lot of time. Not fun when you are not feeling your best. Still praying the bladder heals. Hospital called to set […]
Today was an okay day. Got work done on the computers today. Just praying that the bladder heals over the next two weeks. So far no further reaction to yesterday’s iodine. Good. Trying to get the catheter back to some comfort level, the doctor wanted to have it stretched for […]
Today was a big let down. Had cystogram. Still showed small tear in bladder. Went back to the doctor for followup visit. He tightened up the catheter (added water to the bulb to seal it tighter in the bladder). He promised the bladder would heal, he said we just have […]
Okay day today. Showed up for scheduled cystogram. Radiologist would not do it, wanted more pre-medication. Doctor is calling in prescription for Prednisone. Rescheduled cystogram and doctor’s appointment for tomorrow. Romans 8:28
Another good day today. Sinuses are causing problems, hope coughing isn’t preventing healing. Allergies just won’t quit. Minor neck ache persisting for third day now. Hives improving. Took Benadryl in preparation for cystogram tomorrow. Praying this catheter comes out tomorrow. Psalm 100:5
Good day today. Hives about the same. Managed to work on the computer for 3/4 of the day today. Have some interesting new (healing?) pains. Nothing bad. Praying this catheter can come out Monday! No matter what happens God is in control Phil 4:13